www.antiaction.com / ngc

Specs on human subject:

  • Earth name: Nicholas Grooss Clarke.
  • Brought into this world on the 12th of july in 1972 at approx. 14:40.
  • By female parental unit called Vibeke Grooss Clarke.
  • and male parental unit called Stanley Ronald Clarke.
  • Living acommodations up to now: Copenhagen/Denmark.
  • Hair: Brown Thin.
  • Eyes: Brown.
  • Height: 1840mm.
  • Weight: 96kg.

My lazy pace education up to now:

  • "Le Lycée Francais/Lycée Prins Henrik" jusque au 3'eme. (Frederiksberg/Copenhagen)
  • Vestreborgerdyd High School. (1988-91)
  • 3rd year of High School at Rysensteen. (1991-92)
  • Educated in Danish, French, English, German, Latin and Assembler :)
  • Studied 3 years at DTH/DTU (Denmarks Technical University). (1992-95)
  • Studied 2 years at the Pillow Institute for Sleep. (1995-97)
  • Started studying Computer Science (DIKU/University of Copenhagen). (1997)
  • Switched minor from Maths to CS. (2001)
  • Got my Bachelors Degree in Computer Science. (2004)
  • Got my Masters Degree in Computer Science. (2009)
Nicholas Clarke

Courses taken at DIKU:

Courses: passed, obligatoriske, valgfri.
Datalogisk 1. del:
ECTS: 90 / 90
Kurser: Dat0: Funktionsprogrammering[ML]/Objektorienteret programmering[Emerald] (20).
DisMat: Diskret Matematik (10).
Dat1F: Operativ Systemer/Netværk (15).
Dat2V-grafik (10).
Dat1E: Oversættere/Hardwaredesign (15).
Dat2A: Algoritmik (10).
Dat2B: Bachelorprojekter (10).
Datalogisk bifag:
ECTS: 90 / 90
Kurser: (DTU) 4303 Elementær Digitalelektronik + 4298/4299 Projekter i Programmering og Elektronik (7.5).
Dat2V-databaser (5).
Dat2V-programmeringssprog[Semantics] (5).
Introduction to Optimisation[LP/MIP/IP] (10).
Parallel Programmering/Distribuerede Systemer (12.5).
Videregående oversætterteknik (10).
Konkret Matematik (10).
Multimediateknologi (20).
Billedbehandling og mønstergenkendelse (10).
Datalogisk 2. del (mundtlig):
ECTS: 60 / 60
Kurser: Animation (7.5).
Database tuning (7.5).
Datamatarkitektur (7.5).
Human-Computer-Interface (10).
Projekter indenfor datanet (5).
Komponentbaseret software udvikling (5).
Komponentbaseret software udvikling - Advanced (2.5).
Kryptologi (7.5).
Kunstig intelligens(7.5).
Datalogisk 2. del (skriftlig):
ECTS: 60 / 60
Rapporter: Projekter indenfor datanet - mailserver (12.5).
Internet Service Framework (Komponentbaseret software udvikling) (2.5).
Verification of Componentbased implementation / OCL 1.5 (Komponentbaseret software udvikling - Advanced) (5).
Oversættende skabelonsystem til generering af webindhold (7.5).
Evaluation of a M.Sc./Ph.D. thesis (2.5).
Speciale/Masters thesis (30).


  • Problem solving. (I live for this!)
  • Using computers for solving programming problems. (Occasionally indulging in a bit of gaming...)
  • There is almost always music playing arround me. (Next goal: learning to play the piano)
  • I dont read quite as much as I would like to.
  • Movies/Science/History/Architecture/...
  • Anything that stimulates my brain. (fx. thinking while sleeping :) )

I'm basicly your normal, average, poor, boring, extremely lazy, handsome earth subject with an unusually high iq, except currently for maths... :)

This about sums up my existence on this our very polluted mother earth.


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